
NDEF message

Feature: NDEF message type CODEC_FEAT_1 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_1

The message type is 0x03, corresponding to a known type.

Feature: NDEF message length CODEC_FEAT_2 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_1

Message length in bytes as a 16-bit value.

Byte 2 is unused so 0xFF. Byte 1 holds the Most Significant 8-bits. Byte 0 holds the Least Significant 8 bits.

There is no function to change this after the message has been created.

NDEF record

Feature: Payload length CODEC_FEAT_3 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: complete
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_3

Length of the NDEF record payload length in bytes. Similar to NDEF message length (CODEC_FEAT_2), it cannot change after the record has been created.

Feature: Type length CODEC_FEAT_4 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: complete
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_3

Length of the Record type (CODEC_FEAT_5) field in bytes. This is 1 byte.

Feature: Record type CODEC_FEAT_5 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: complete
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_3

NDEF record type is 0x55, which corresponds to a URI record.

URL Parameters

Feature: Sample interval b64 CODEC_FEAT_10 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: complete
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_3
links incoming: CODEC_IMPL_1

The time interval between samples in minutes. This must be constant.

Feature: Serial CODEC_FEAT_38 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: complete
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_3
links incoming: CODEC_IMPL_8

An 8 character serial string uniquely identifies the encoder instance. More generally this will identify the hardware that the encoder is running on. Characters from the base64 dictionary are recommended for these are URL safe.

Feature: CodecVersion CODEC_FEAT_41 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: open
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_18, CODEC_FEAT_43

16-bit unsigned integer codec version. From this the decoder can raise an error if it is not compatible.

Feature: FormatCode CODEC_FEAT_42 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: open
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_18

8-bit identifier of the circular buffer format. The circular buffer is arranged into pairs. A sample either corresponds to a pair of readings (e.g. temperature and humidity), or a single reading (temperature only). The latter option doubles the number of samples in the buffer.

The device is specified as HDC2021. This allows the decoder to convert from the sensor ADC value (a 12-bit integer) into floating point degrees C or percent. Equations to do this are device specific.







Feature: Error raised if versions mismatch CODEC_FEAT_43 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: open
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_19
links incoming: CODEC_FEAT_41

If the decoder version does not match that of the encoder used to produce the URL, then Decoder reproduces encoder ... (CODEC_REQ_2) cannot be guaranteed.

Feature: Protocol CODEC_FEAT_44 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: open
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_3

The HTTPS protocol is recommended for production use.








Feature: LoopCount CODEC_FEAT_28 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: complete
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_15

The number of times the circular buffer has looped from the last EEPROM block to the first since initialisation. See loopcount.

Feature: ResetsAllTime CODEC_FEAT_29 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: complete
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_15

Number of times the microcontroller running the encoder has reset. Each reset causes a counter to be incremented in non-volatile memory (resetsalltime).

Feature: BatV CODEC_FEAT_30 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: complete
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_15

The battery voltage in mV. See batvoltage.

Feature: BOR CODEC_FEAT_31 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: complete
tags: bit
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_16

Brown Out Reset flag.

Feature: SVSH CODEC_FEAT_32 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: complete
tags: bit
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_16

Supply Voltage Supervisor error flag.

Feature: WDT CODEC_FEAT_33 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: complete
tags: bit
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_16

Watchdog Timeout flag

Feature: MISC CODEC_FEAT_34 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: complete
tags: bit
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_16

Miscellaneous Error flag

Feature: LPM5WU CODEC_FEAT_35 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: complete
tags: bit
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_16

Low Power Mode x.5 wakeup flag.

Feature: CLOCKFAIL CODEC_FEAT_36 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: complete
tags: bit
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_16

Clock failure flag.

Feature: SCANTIMEOUT CODEC_FEAT_37 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: complete
tags: bit
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_16

Scan timeout flag.

Circular Buffer

Feature: Error raised if hash check fails CODEC_FEAT_40 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: complete
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_10
links incoming: CODEC_IMPL_5

The decoder independently calculates the hash of the circular buffer and compares it with the one contained in Endstop (CODEC_SPEC_13). If the check fails then no samples are returned and an exception is raised.

If the MD5 hash is used then this indicates the decoded sample list does not correspond to that fed into the encoder. Therefore Decoder reproduces encoder ... (CODEC_REQ_2) has not been met.

If the HMAC hash is used then there is an additional possibility: authentication has failed. The secret key used by the encoder and the stored copy used by the decoder do not match. This occurs when the software is run by an unauthorised 3rd party.

Feature: Adjustable buffer length. CODEC_FEAT_23 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: complete
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_12
links incoming: CODEC_IMPL_3

The length of the circular buffer can be adjusted. This is done with a compiler parameter, to meet Only static memory allocati... (CODEC_FEAT_8).

Feature: Hash CODEC_FEAT_24 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: complete
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_14
links incoming: CODEC_IMPL_5

The list of samples in the buffer must always be transmitted together with a hash. This is used by the decoder to verify that it has unwrapped the circular buffer and decoded samples correctly.

The size of the URL is limited, so there is only room to store the least significant 7 bytes of the hash, however, this should be ample. The hash does not contain Elapsed b64 (CODEC_FEAT_26) and therefore it does not need to be recalculated each time this changes. This is done in order to save power Low power consumption (CODEC_SPEC_8).

If Hash Based Message Authentication (HMAC) is enabled, then the last characters of the HMAC-MD5 will be used. If not, these will be the output of MD5 only.

The hash is used as a checksum; a guard against unintentional data corruption. This may arise because of a bug in the codec. The MD5 is sufficient for this purpose. It was chosen in order to adhere with Low memory utilisation (CODEC_SPEC_4). The MD5 hash alone is useless for security purposes. If a bad actor intends to find a collision (i.e. two sets of data that produce the same MD5 hash) then this can be done with ease. MD5 is intended for debug and code development only.

HMAC-MD5 is considerably more secure than MD5 alone. It is recommended for production use. Each device with an encoder should have a unique secret key. In addition to data integrity, HMAC-MD5 can be used to verify that the decoder and encoder have access to the same shared secret key. It is therefore a check on authenticity.

From Wikipedia:

The cryptographic strength of the HMAC depends upon the size of the secret key that is used. The most common attack against HMACs is brute force to uncover the secret key. HMACs are substantially less affected by collisions than their underlying hashing algorithms alone.[6][7] In particular, in 2006 Mihir Bellare proved that HMAC is a PRF under the sole assumption that the compression function is a PRF.[8] Therefore, HMAC-MD5 does not suffer from the same weaknesses that have been found in MD5.

For HMAC-MD5 the RFC summarizes that – although the security of the MD5 hash function itself is severely compromised – the currently known “attacks on HMAC-MD5 do not seem to indicate a practical vulnerability when used as a message authentication code”, but it also adds that “for a new protocol design, a ciphersuite with HMAC-MD5 should not be included”.

It is acknowledged that HMAC-MD5 has been used despite the counter-recommendation above. I decided that the increased complexity of HMAC-SHA3 cannot be justified: The algorithm has to run with low energy consumption on an inexpensive microcontroller (see Encoder shall run on a low ... (CODEC_REQ_12)). The MSP430 itself is not designed for a high degree of data security. De-lidding and X-raying are possible. This is why it is important not to share the secret key between devices. Opting for a more robust hashing algorithm may result in compromises elsewhere (e.g. on battery life). It is also the case that environmental sensor data are being transmitted and not data that are highly sensitive. The reward to compromise this system is sufficiently low to make HMAC-MD5 a good-enough deterrent.

Data are hashed in the following order:


























LoopCount (CODEC_FEAT_28)





ResetsAllTime (CODEC_FEAT_29)







ResetCause (CODEC_SPEC_16)






Feature: NPairs CODEC_FEAT_25 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: complete
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_14
links incoming: CODEC_IMPL_4

Number of valid samples in the circular buffer. This excludes samples used for padding. Populated from npairs.

Feature: Elapsed b64 CODEC_FEAT_26 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: complete
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_13
links incoming: CODEC_IMPL_2

External to the codec is a counter. This increases by 1 every minute after the previous sample was written to the circular buffer. It resets to 0 when a new sample is written.

The decoder uses it to determine to the nearest minute when samples were collected. Without it, the maximum resolution on the timestamp for each sample would be equal to the time interval, which can be up to 60 minutes.

The unencoded minutes elapsed field is 16-bits wide. This is the same width as the unencoded time interval in minutes field.

The minutes elapsed field occupies 4 bytes after base64 encoding, including one padding byte. By convention this is 0x61 or ‘=’.

The encoder replaces the padding byte with ENDSTOP_BYTE. This marks the last byte of the end stop.

The first step performed by the decoder is to locate ENDSTOP_BYTE. After it is found, it can be replaced with an ‘=’ before the minutes elapsed field is decoded from base64 into its original 16-bit value.

Flags + TNF

Feature: MB CODEC_FEAT_17 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: complete
tags: bit
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_5

Message Begin bit denotes the first record in an NDEF message.

This is set. The record is the first in the message.

Feature: ME CODEC_FEAT_18 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: complete
tags: bit
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_5

Message End bit denotes the last record in an NDEF message.

This is set. The record is the last in the message.

Feature: CF CODEC_FEAT_19 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: complete
tags: bit
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_5

Chunk Flag bit denotes a message comprised of several records chunked together (concatenated).

This is cleared. There is only one record in the message.

Feature: SR CODEC_FEAT_20 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: complete
tags: bit
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_5

Short Record bit. When set Payload length (CODEC_FEAT_3) one byte long. When cleared it is 4 bytes long.

This is cleared, because the message is longer than 255 bytes.

Feature: IL CODEC_FEAT_21 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: complete
tags: bit
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_5

ID Length bit. When set the ID length field is present. When cleared it is omitted.

This is cleared.

Feature: TNF CODEC_FEAT_22 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: complete
tags: bit
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_5

Type Name Format field. A 3-bit value that describes the record type.

This is set to 0x03, which corresponds to an Absolute URI Record.


Feature: No absolute timestamp CODEC_FEAT_27 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_6, CODEC_SPEC_10

The URL from the encoder cannot include an absolute timestamp. This would need to be set each time the microcontroller is powered on (e.g. when the battery is replaced).

Feature: Samples timestamped by decoder CODEC_FEAT_6 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_10
links incoming: CODEC_IMPL_1

All samples are timestamped relative to the time that the decoder is run. It is assumed that the time difference between when the encoded message is read (by a phone) and the time the decoder is run (on a web server) is much less than one minute. Timestamp precision is one minute.

The timestamping algorithm is as follows: #. Samples are put in order of recency. #. Minutes Elapsed b64 (CODEC_FEAT_26) since the most recent sample is extracted from the URL. #. Current time (now in UTC) is determined. #. The first sample is assigned a timestamp = now - minutes elapsed. #. Sample interval b64 (CODEC_FEAT_10) between samples is extracted from the URL. This is used to timestamp each sample relative to the first.

Feature: Base URL CODEC_FEAT_7 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_3

The base URL can be changed. It is recommended to keep this as short as possible to allow more room for environmental sensor data.

Low resource utilisation

Feature: Encoder writes to EEPROM blocks. CODEC_FEAT_13 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: complete
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_4

The encoder cannot output the 1000 character NDEF message in one go. This would require too much RAM for a small microcontroller.

Instead it is designed to output an I2C EEPROM, which is arranged into 16-byte blocks. A maximum of 4 EEPROM blocks are written to or read from at a time.

Feature: Only static memory allocation is used. CODEC_FEAT_8 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: complete
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_4

The stdio library needed for malloc takes a lot of available memory on the MSP430, so it is not used.

Feature: Encoder is written in C. CODEC_FEAT_9 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: complete
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_4

There is little benefit to C++ given the low complexity of the encoder.

Feature: No RTOS is required CODEC_FEAT_14 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: complete
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_8, CODEC_SPEC_4

An RTOS is not appropriate for this application. It will significantly increase the memory footprint. It will add complexity and make power consumption more difficult to control.

Feature: Status updates once per loop CODEC_FEAT_39 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: complete
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_15

Status contains some parameters that change infrequently. For these, Reduce EEPROM wear (CODEC_SPEC_2) is not a concern. LoopCount (CODEC_FEAT_28) and BatV (CODEC_FEAT_30) are updated once, when cursorblk and nextblk are at opposite ends of the circular buffer (e.g. cursorblk == 31 and nextblk == 0). This will happen once per day.

ResetCause (CODEC_SPEC_16) is cleared when this happens, because a reset has not occurred recently.

Feature: Full message written on startup. CODEC_FEAT_12 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: complete
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_1
links incoming: CODEC_IMPL_7

The entire NDEF message only needs to be written once upon startup. Afterwards, small parts of the message are modified at a time.

Feature: Append sample. CODEC_FEAT_15 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: complete
links outgoing: CODEC_SPEC_12
links incoming: CODEC_IMPL_6

The list of environmental sensor readings (and its HMAC) will change at an interval of time interval minutes. If the time interval is set to 5 minutes, 100K writes will be reached in (5 minutes * 100e3) = 1 year.

By using a circular buffer, these writes are distributed across many blocks. This is a form of Wear levelling <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wear_leveling>.

Feature: The encoder writes two circular buffer blocks at a time. CODEC_FEAT_16 ../../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
status: complete

This reduces the requirement for RAM on the MSP430 and reduces power consumption (it takes time to write EEPROM blocks).